in South Carolina
Original Size: Many walls
Original: Commissioned
Paint: Acrylics
Print Copies: No
The Restaurant Mural
I was commissioned to decorate with murals a restaurant in the theme of the movie – Gone with the Wind. This Restaurant was in Garden City, South Carolina. I just had a divorce and this was going to be my therapy.
I didn’t want to draw anything so it would be more of a see how it goes kind of thing. Once I decided where the trees and the house was going to go, the lady owner came to see the sketches, but there was no scketches… only dark lines and fork like trees. She was a bit shocked I must say, and so I showed her some confindece and told her that it will look much better soon… but she must stay away for a couple of weeks!
During this time I ended up drawing a bit of the house and the covered birdge but the rest was done straight paint. I was quite happy about the result that I also painted her stables with horses in some small restrooms in the back.
The time spent doing this restaurant was one of my favourite experiences that I ever had painting… I had an amazing time and the owner of the restaurant ended up being a quite happy lady…
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