A collection of 20 paintings
All these paintings are already sold.
N58- Strait’ Serenade
The strait serenade is a graphic analogy of the people of the south, like the musicians of the Titanic playing music while the ship sinks, always a positive atitude towards life... :D
N70- Patapalo & Mr Jones
Surrealistic scene where a man made of wood plays the violin along a wooden cat playing the trumpet while the moon sits on a fork.
N74- Night Rythm & Blues
Somewhere in America a man plays his saxo a rythm & blues song in the street at night.
N68- The Violininst
A vionilist plays his favorite melody.
N66- Calling Mother Earth
Climate change, the surrealistic vision of a person getting in touch with nature thru music. The city represents today´s society eating away their environment. The phone represents artificial way of communication between humans and their environment.
N67- The Trumpeter
Surrealistic version of a man playing a trumpet.
N154 – Mediterranean Serenade
In an imaginary place on the Costa del Sol. A band plays a Mediterranean serenade in one of the cliff houses while all the neighbors come out and listen to their melody. A view of the pillars of Hercules from somewhere in the Costa del Sol.
N72- The Bag Pipper
A bag pipper and his son contemplate the sunset while playing to some celtic tunes.
N40- Pied Piper of Hamelin
There are many contradictory theories about the Pied Piper.. Some suggest he was a symbol of hope to the people of Hamelin, which had been attacked by plague; he drove the rats from Hamelin, saving the people from the epidemic.
N71- The Guitar Player
A guitar player stands before the song.
N69- Night Melody
A plaza at night in an Andalusian town, a person plays the violin and the rest listen to the melody.
Arte Caballero | iodel | Jorge Caballero | Arte Campo de Gibraltar & Gibraltar | Costa del Sol | Costa de la Luz | Flamenco & Danza | Surreal Golf | Music
“ The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls… ”
“ I dream my painting and I paint my dream… ”
“ Creativity is contagious, pass it on… ”