Surreal Golf Series
A collection of 20 paintings
All these paintings are already sold.
N86- Tsunami Beach Golf
A person is about to putt a ball while a Tsuami raises in the background.
N88- Sunny Valley
A surreal Golf course transforms into a pier that goes into the ocean that is above another ocean.
N80- The Golf Swing
The concept of a golf swing transformed into an object.
N79- The Wind’s Hand
A bunch of golfers camp next to the tee meanwhile the cloud overtakes the mountain.
N83- Rocky Mountains Golf Club
The golf courses have taken over the Rocky Mountains :)
N18- Traditional Hole
A flamenco woman it´s about to putt in one of the holes from Alcaidesa golf, La Linea. I wanted to mix two things that are sort of opposite, golf and flamenco, to create of analogy of my home town, La Linea.
N84- NY Flood
A flood in New York, golf courses started to grow on the streets and bridges.
N76- Golf Lately?
The moment of the putt, concentration and the world disappears...
N77- Hotel Vacation Package
A couple visits Myrtle beach, SC, the wife and the son go to the beach while the father goes to play golf.
N85- Golf after a Sandstorm
A sandstorm passes an leaves the course full of sand and a boat in the middle of the green.
N81- The Putt
The moment of concentration when a golfer does a putt transformed into an art impression.
N87- Pier Golf
A surreal Golf course transforms into a pier that goes into the ocean that is above another ocean.
N89- The Rest
A man rests on a bench by the golf tee.
N78- Do it yourself – A green Livingroom
A couple build themselves a golf course in their house with a Do It Yourself manual.
N75- Hole 17
Hole 17 is the impossible golf course, with 24 hours of sun per day and the green on top of the mountain what chance does she have for a good score?
N82- The Bonsai and the Sea of Fishtanks
A surrealistic japanesse golf scene in a wolrd where the sea is made of fishtanks and the people gather around playing golf.
N45- Boxed World
The world inside a box inside of another box, like a russian doll. A world lives inside of another world.
Arte Caballero | iodel | Jorge Caballero | Arte Campo de Gibraltar & Gibraltar | Costa del Sol | Costa de la Luz | Flamenco & Danza | Surreal Golf | Music
“ The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls… ”
“ I dream my painting and I paint my dream… ”
“ Creativity is contagious, pass it on… ”